Magical Natural Growth Serum to get long and thick Eyelashes and Eyebrow in few days.
Eyelashes and Eyebrow enhance the beauty of the face.Those people who have thick and and long Eyelashes and Eyebrow boon for them.Every body wants thick, long and silkier Eyelashes and Eyebrow but unfortunately it may lacks to some body due to different factors. No need to worry there is natural method to fulfil your wish and looks more beautiful than you are now. As this is natural serum it does not brings any side effects and stay forever.You can take this serum confidently and feel happy more as it is really effective one.
Here are the tips to make Magical Serum for long and thick Eyelash and Eyebrow.
1: Castor oil- 1 tablespoon
2: Vitamin E oil -2 capsule
3: Aloe vera gel -1 teaspoon
4: A small bowl
5: Eye lashes brush
6: Clean container
Now take a small bowl and mix the castor oil and Vitamin oil as mentioned above finely and then add aloe vera gel and mix it properly.After this put this Serum in a clean air tight container.Apply this Serum in your Eyelashes and Eyebrow before you go to bed.You can apply this serum through eyelashes brush or you can apply with your finger tips and gently massage it.Let it act for 45 min and rinse it off or you can rinse it off in the next morning too.Make sure you prepare a fresh batch of serum in every 2 days. You can see the different in few days .To see good result you should apply this serum for 6-8weeks continuously in the bed time and wash it off in the next
Castor oil is the powerful follicle and stimulating and nourishing oil. It can helps you to get lustrous and voluminous your eyelashes and eyebrow. It also helps fight against the micro organism which hampers growth and makes fast growth of the eyelashes and eyebrow.
Aloe vera gel contains several Vitamins and Nutrient that promote the growth of the eyelashes and eyebrow. It also moisturise the eyelashes.It improves the growth of the eyelashes and eyebrow and makes strong too. It will be better to take a fresh aloe vera gel if possible.
Vitamin E oil helps to moisturise and improves the quality growth of the eye lashes and eye brow.It makes the eyelashes long and silkier too.