Rosy Pink Lips
Lips is the first point of attraction so every body want to get soft, rosy pink and smooth lips. There are many cosmetic product which is expensive and not work properly as per our wish. I will suggest you the very effective home remedy to fulfill your wish to get rosy pink lips.
Here are the some useful tips you should follow to get rosy pink lips are:
Tip 1: Before bed time apply the paste of milk and turmeric for 10 minuets and then wash it off. Turmeric and milk is the great combination for polishing the dark lips and makes your lips glowing.
Tip 2: Apply mixture of honey and lemon on your lips and leave it over night. Wash it off in next morning. Honey is the natural moisturizer and lock the moisture in your lips for a long period of time. Lemon is the natural bleaching agent to get rid of dark and dead skin.
Tip 3: Apply few drops of the Vitamin E, it is best moisturizer. It is the healing oil to get soft and glowing lips.
Disclaimer: It is suggested to do scrub 2-3 times a week to get rid of dead cell so that the above tips work effectively. Scrub can be done with sugar and coconut oil and other oil as per wish.