We are known about the benefits of the Guava fruits only. In addition the Guava leaf has also the medicinal as well as beauty properties which is full of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents and antibacterials. It has significant health benefits from treating stomach troubles to chronic diseases like cancer. It is high in healthy fiber,Vitamin A and C and Potassium.
Before going to talk about the benefits of Guava leaves,have a talk about the preparation of Guava leaves tea.
Take 1litres of water and a pot make the water boil and put clean wash 8-10 Guava leaves in the boil water and makes the flame of gas medium and boil the leaves when it becomes brownish in color and stir the leaves and your tea is ready. let’s have a look in the pictures below which make you clear.
Some of the uses of Guava leaves are
1:Aids in wight loss
Guava leaves tea help prevent complex carbs from turning into sugar and promotes in weight loss. For better result consume Guava leaves tea daily for month to feel difference.
People who suffers from diarrhea can consume Guava leaves tea in the empty stomach helps in quick recovery. It reduces abdominal pain too. Take a cup of guava leaves tea in the stomach.
3:lower cholesterol
According to article published by Nutrition and Metabolism Department people who drank Guava leaves tea for continuous 8 weeks had lower the cholesterol level.
4:Promotes hair growth:
Guava leaves is rich in Vitamin A and C so boil the guava leaves and cool the water then apply in the scalp. This helps to prevent hair loss and promotes hair growth too. You can also use this Guava leaves water while wash your hair by taking last rinse in your hair.
5:Helps in toothache problem
Guava leaves tea is also taken as a medicinal herbs for the treatment of swollen gums ,clear yellowish dirt of the teeth and other oral problems. If you are suffering from canker sore chew the Guava leaves and feel relief.
6:Beats wrinkles, Acne blackheads and other blemishes.
Take a glass of water to boil and put 3 clean Guava leaves in the boil water in low flame and makes the water in brownish color and cool down the water. Apply this water through cotton ball in your face and see the difference in a week.For best result apply 3 times a week.OR
you can grind the Guava leaves and apply the paste in your face and see the difference.
7:Treatment of cold and cough
Drinking Guava leaves makes the body warm and helps in the treatment of cold and cough. It opens the lungs and loosing the mucus of the body.
8:Treatment of itching.
Guava leaves is also rich in allergy blockage compound which helps in the treatment of allergy ,psoriasis and other skin problems.
Guava leaves tea maintains the diabetes level of the body and makes the body fit and fine.
10:Sperm production
Guava leaves tea help to increase the sperm production and also promotes in the production of quality sperms.